Alignment configuration

The alignment configuration JSON is a required input that must be placed in the PROJECT_FOLDER/input folder and named as config.json.


The JSON schema and content is validated prior to running the alignment process.


The JSON must contain all of the following properties:

  • domain_node_type: the type of the domain nodes, e.g. Disease.

  • seed_ontology_name: the seed ontology name (i.e. the namespace part
    of the corresponding node IDs.).
  • mappings: mapping grouping and directionality specification.

    • type_groups: groups the available mapping relations into three
      strength categories that are handled differently during the alignment
      process; all three type groups must be present.
      • equivalence: the strongest mapping relation category; must
        contain at least one mapping relation type.
      • database_reference: the second strongest mapping relation
        category that can be an empty list.
      • label_match: the weakest mapping relation category that can be
        an empty list.


The alignment configuration JSON.
  "domain_node_type": "Disease",
  "seed_ontology_name": "MONDO",
  "mappings": {
    "type_groups": {
      "equivalence": ["equivalent_to", "merge"],
      "database_reference": ["database_cross_reference", "xref"],
      "label_match": []